Meet Rachel Murphy: Our New Ulster Wool Ambassador
Nestled in the tranquil countryside of Shanes Castle, just outside Antrim, 28-year-old Rachel Murphy embodies a deep-rooted passion for farming and wool handling. Growing up on a farm estate where her father serves as shepherd, Rachel has been immersed in the world of sheep farming from a young age.
We met up with Rachel for us, and you, to get to know her better- here’s how it went.
Q: Tell us about your farming/wool handling business
A: “I live on a farm near Antrim, where my father is the shepherd. I help him during busy periods like lambing, shearing, dosing, and weaning.”
Q: What are your personal/professional achievements in wool handling?
A: “In 2017, I represented Northern Ireland at the Shearing and Wool Handling World Championships in New Zealand. In 2018, I finished 2nd at the Balmoral Show, qualifying for the 2019 World Championships in France. I also won the novice category at the Royal Highland Show.
At the 2019 Balmoral Show, I claimed 1st in the novice Wool Handling competition and participated in the World Championships in France. In September 2021, I placed 2nd in a national competition at Balmoral.
In 2022, I won both National and Open Wool Handling categories at the Balmoral Show, qualifying for the 2023 World Championships. I was proud to finish 13th individually in fierce global competition.
In 2023, I again won both National and Open competitions at Balmoral, and our team secured 1st in the Novice/Open test. I won the Wool Handling competition at the All-Ireland in Clonmany and our team placed 2nd at the Six Nations in France.
I assisted with a Wool Handling course before the Balmoral Show in 2019 and again in 2024, encouraging young women to participate.
Last year, I finished 3rd in the National at Balmoral and won 1st at the All-Ireland in Mount Bellew. I've volunteered at various shows across Northern Ireland, helping with wool rolling and speed shear events.”
Q: How long have you been farming/wool handling?
A: “I've been involved in farming from a young age, often accompanying my father to sheep sales. I love being part of the farming community and enjoy sheep farming and wool rolling. I started rolling wool during shearing as a child but attended my first wool handling course in 2015. My first competition was at the Balmoral Show in 2016, where I placed 2nd, qualifying me for the Northern Ireland team in New Zealand in 2017.”
Q: What is your proudest Moment in Wool Handling
A: “My proudest moments were winning both the National and Open Championships at the Balmoral Show in 2022 and 2023.”
Q: Why did you want to become an UW Ambassador?
A: “I am passionate about wool handling and enjoy teaching others.”
Q: Who has been your inspiration?
A: “My father inspired my involvement in shearing and wool handling. He competed in various shearing contests and travelled to New Zealand. With no sons to continue his legacy, I decided to pursue wool handling, and I still thoroughly enjoy it today.”
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